The Tourist Guide to Glendale, Isle of Skye

Don't forget. Today
is BLUE bin day.

This is the residents' lounge, where you can find out information and news that may be of interest to residents, expats and property owners of Glendale.

I will publish here all the local information that is forwarded to me 'officially', together with anything that comes via the 'grapevine'. Please don't hesitate to send me anything of interest or give me a call on (01470) 511354.


Community Hall Activities


7:30pm - 9:30pm : Glendale Ladies Arts Development. Contact Paddy Wilding on 511240.


10:00am - 4:00pm : Craft Market. Contact Rowena MacKinnon on 511772.
7:30pm - 9:30pm : Badminton. Contact Willie Smith on (07833) 311194.


10am - 11:30am (Jan 16th - Mar 13th, 2013) - Tibetan Healing Yoga. Contact Marlies Schulz-Köster on 511433


10:00am - 12:00pm : Playgroup. Contact Lisa Coughlin 511300.
7:30pm - 10:30pm : Bowls. Contact Nick Carter 511367


5pm - 6:30pm (Jan 18th - Mar 8th, 2013) - Tibetan Healing Yoga. Contact Marlies Schulz-Köster on 511433
Last Friday of each month, 8pm :  Quiz Night. Contact Carol Martin on 511277.

For more Hall information see the Glendale Community Hall Web-Site.

Christmas Wreath Making

Wreath-Making Event Flyer
November 2023

There will be a Christmas wreath-making event in Glendale Community Hall on Saturday November 25th, 2023 from 7pm to 10pm.

[Posted : 18/11/2023]

Christmas Market

The Christmas Craft Fair will be held in Glendale Community Hall from 10am to 4pm.

[Posted : 11/11/2023]

Proposed Mobile Phone Mast at Ramasaig

There is a proposal to site a 4G mobile phone mast on Ben Vratabreck. Details are in these PDFs:

"The purpose of this letter is to consult with you and seek your views on our proposal before any planning submission is made. We understand that you are not always able to provide site specific comments, however, we are committed to consultation with communities on our mobile telecommunications proposals and as such would encourage you to respond."

This would presumably provide 4G coverage along the Ramasaig road, at the farm and at Neist Point.

[Posted : 17/08/2023]

Music at the Hall

October 2022

Music in the Hall

2-4pm on Wednesday October 26th, 2022.

[Posted : 24/10/2022]

Glendale Christmas Fair

Glendale Xmas Fair 2018
November 2018

The Glendale Christmas Fair is on at the Community Hall on November 24th, 2018 from 11am until 4pm.

[Posted : 03/11/2018]

Glendale Craft Fair

Craft Fair & Farmers' Market with Café at Glendale Community Hall every Tuesday from 10am until 4pm.

Art, photography, pottery, soaps, jewellery, handicrafts, knitwear, woodturning, local croft produce and more.

[Posted : 19/06/2018]

Food & Place Celebrations

Friday 14th July Build your own rocket competition 1pm - 4pm

Saturday 15th July Glendale Fishing Competition 10:30am - 4pm

Saturday 15th Orbost Farm Hog Roast 7pm Glendale Hall

Saturday 15th Live Band - The Full Tones Glendale Hall 8pm - 11:45 


Fun For All the Family

Rocket Competition -  Teams must include one adult and one child. All equipment will be provided. Rockets will be marked for design, distance travelled (horizontal and vertical). 

Fishing Competition - Meanish Pier 10:30am. Weigh in will be 4pm sharp. Prizes for shore and boat competitions.

Hog Roast - 7pm at the Glendale Community Hall. 

Live Local Band Fulltones -  
Bar and Raffle from 8pm in Glendale Hall.

All the events are free to attend donations will be most welcome

[Posted : 27/06/2017]

Calendar 2016

2016 Calendar - Front

2016 Calendar - Back


If you would like to put your name down for a copy of my 2016 Glendale Calendar then please email me with your email address and contact details.

They will be £11.99 each (plus £4.95 P&P for up to four calendars to the same UK address or you can collect from me in Glendale or Portree).

To try to keep the costs down, I am just going to order a single batch of calendars from the printers in September for delivery to you in October, so if you definitely want one then let me know ASAP.

[Posted : 10/08/2015]

Fishing Competition

Fishing Competition Flyer
July 2015

Glendale Community Council are having a fishing competition on Saturday July 25th, 2015 at Meanish Pier. The entrance fee is £3 for adults or free for children. Registration is from 9:30am. For full details see the flyer.

[Posted : 15/07/2015]

iTea and Biscuits

 Drop-in Sessions.

Come along for a cup of tea and a chat:

  • Find out about the Glendale IT Project.
  • Tell us what training sessions you would be interested in.
  • Arrange one-to-one training.
  • Get help with your IT questions.

At Glendale Community Hall from Wednesday March 4th, 2015 from 11:00 till 01:00 for 6 weeks.

For more informatrion contact Catriona on, 01470 521311 or 07887 844534

[Posted : 26/02/2015]

Ashtanga Yoga

Gareth from the Red Roof Café is starting Ashtanga yoga classes at the Community Hall on January 19th, 2015 from 6:15pm to 7:45pm.. £7.50 for 1.5 hours. Pre-booking essential. Contact: Gareth Craft on 511776.

[Posted : 14/01/2015]


A message from TEC Services regarding gritter problems in the Glendale area. Thanks to Clare Gray for passing this on:

Presently we are operating at reduced capacity unfortunately.

In Lochalsh the gritter covering the A890 is undergoing some welding but expected back in action for later this afternoon and evening. We are covering this by using the gritter which covers the Kyle to Plockton road and concentrating on Primary & Secondary routes at the expense of “other” routes.

In Skye the gritter covering the A863 Struan to Dunvegan and the B884 Glendale had developed fuel injection problems and is likely to be off the road for a wee while. In addition the gritter covering the A863 Sligachan to Struan and the B8009 Carbost / Portnalong has been hit by a vehicle at Drynoch and is off the road due to the damage sustained.

We will be therefore covering our routes with less vehicles and unlikely to get much beyond Primary & Secondary routes tonight and tomorrow morning, with probable delay to target times.

I would appreciate it if you could pass on this information to local members and community council representatives as it is probable they will see a different level of service to when they are used to for the next few days.

Kind Regards

Mark Crowe
Assistant Area Manager (Portree)
Skye Ross & Cromarty
Community Services
Dunvegan Road
IV51 9PD
01478 614855 / 612727

[Posted : 13/01/2015]

Glendale Trust - LDO's Update

Dear All,

I am writing to wish you all the very best for 2015 and hope that everything is getting back to normal after the recent power supply and weather issues!

As the Glendale News is no longer being published I have drafted the attached report on behalf of the Glendale Trust detailing the ongoing work of the Trust and myself as Local Development Officer a brief overview is also provided below.

Progress across all projects in the last quarter has been nothing short of incredible, over £250,000 of funding has been secured to benefit Glendale. The Glendale Trust has established 3 formal working groups to support its ongoing work, they include the Next Generation Broadband Working Group (7 members), The Meanish Pier Working Group (7 members) and the Farmers Market Working Group (5 members). There are two additional part-time staff employed and managed by the Trust, Jason Bold, the project manager for the Borrodale School project and Catriona Canning as the recently employed IT project co-ordinator / manager. Some of the faces on the board have also changed recently with the unfortunate loss of Elly Knight and Gordon Thompson who contributed hugely to the work of the Trust until November 2014. The board has been supported by Dominic Holder (Broadband Group Chair), Karen Redfearn (Treasurer) Ian Maclean and Kevin Stockley taking the total number of directors to 8 and employees to 3. The Trust website has also been updated to include all information relating to projects and progress this will continue to be updated with information on a regular basis.

  1. IT Project - Successfully secured ~£36,000 to employ an IT tutor to deliver IT / internet training and equipment over a period of two years. This will support the Glendale Halls provision of free Wi-Fi and create further employment in the area as well as engaging directly with the local primary school children.
  2. Borrodale School Project, is running as per plan published in June 2014. Successfully secured £190,000 from the Scottish Land Fund for the purchase of the land and buildings. Secured full planning approval from the Highland Council and have reached building warrant stage with tenders for construction stage ready to be issued. Created further employment in the area through the employment of a part time project manger who will lead the development of the project on behalf of the community. The community ownership is scheduled to be take place on the 23rd Jan 2013 with funding completed by end of June 2015.
  3. Cemetery Wall Project successfully completed the delivery of the Cemetery Wall project. This saw 3 people secure level 1 accreditation in drystone walling, the delivery of a range of very interesting heritage workshops including a bi-lingul publication detailing the project and not to mention a fantastic new drystone wall surrounding the cemetery. The community council are in the process of delivering a new gate with the remainder of the funds and a report will be available on the project when it has been formally signed off.
  4. Meanish Pier Project - Unsuccessful funding application for the project which highlighted need for more detail surrounding community meeting community needs and financial sustainability. Secured support from HISEZ to help develop the project. Successfully secured £5000 from the Crown Estate and also have formally agreed to have a local management agreement (LMA) for the area of Loch Pooltiel not under lease by the Glendale Moorings Association. An LMA allows the community to have direct input on the management of the sea bed and create a working relationship with the Crown Estate as the project progresses. Special thanks to Neil McLean for the provision of the community sign / donations box and working group for installing it at Meanish Point. Also secured £10,000 from Hjatland fish farm which is specifically for the development of the pier project.
  5. Next generation broadband - Formally set up working group and have secured ~£6000 from HIE for development funding to carry out feasibility. Contracted Mull and Iona Community Trust to carry out the work to complete phase 1 in order to deliver a robust carrier class internet infrastructure for Glendale and surrounding areas.
  6. Farmers Market Project - Completed feasibility and held public meeting on the 18th December 2014. The draft report has been completed and is currently being reviewed by the working group and Trust board. A copy of the executive summary from the report is included in the attached document.
  7. Micro-Croft and affordable housing project - Significant work has been carried out to identify further sites and potential partnerships in order to deliver much needed affordable housing for the area. The Trust is working directly with Ronnie McRae at the Highlands Small Communities Housing Trust in order to develop a sustainable model for the project.
  8. Glendale Video Project - Work has been ongoing to deliver a community based video project which will provide an overview to the work carried out throughout the Cemetery Wall project. It is anticipated that this video will form part of the heritage exhibition which will be sited in the Borrodale School heritage space. There is also a wider digital media project which has been fully project planned for the area which would detail the “Then and now of Glendale” if there is anyone interested in the researching and recording the history of Glendale or who is interested in film making please feel free to get in touch.
  9. Glendale Community Transport Project - Work on the community transport project has unfortunately slowed due to the progress across all other projects. It is hoped that funds can be obtained to investigate the sustainability / financial modelling of this project in early 2015. This will further develop the work carried out to date.

Please dont hesitate to get in touch if you require further information or wish to contribute in benefiting the area of Glendale.

Kindest regards,


[Posted : 12/01/2015]

Farmers' Market - Public Meeting

The results of the feasibility into the provision of a Farmers' Market facility will be presented in the Glendale Hall on Wednesday December 17th, 2014 at 8pm. All welcome.

[Posted : 13/12/2014]

Glendale Bards

Glendale Bards Poster
September 2014

There will be an unveiling of the Glendale Bards Memorial and the launch of a book featuring their work at the Community Hall on Saturday October 4th, 2014 at mid-day.

Ian Blackford

[Posted : 25/09/2014]

Glendale Trust AGM Reminder

Dear All,

Just a reminder that the Glendale Trust AGM will be held on Wednesday 23rd of April 2014 at 7:30pm at the meeting room in the Glendale Hall.

The AGM provides a great opportunity to hear about the progress of the Trust over the past year. The Trust requires 20 members to be present in order to reach a quorum and your attendance would be very much appreciated.

There will also be an open day on Saturday 26th April in the Glendale Hall (10 - 4pm) to present details on the plans regarding all ongoing projects including details and illustrations for the borrodale school project.

Look forward to seeing you then.


[Posted : 19/04/2014]

Glendale Trust AGM

Dear All,

The Glendale Trust AGM has been rearranged for Wednesday 23nd April at 7:30pm

Your attendance would be very much welcome as the Trust requires the presence of 20 members in order to reach a quorum.

It is a good opportunity to hear about the work that has been achieved over the past year for the benefit of Glendale.

There will also be refreshments available on the night.

Look forward to seeing you then,

Kindest regards,


[Posted : 01/04/2014]

Borrodale School Business Plan

Dear All,

Following the public meeting on Friday 7th February 2014 the Glendale Trust Board has agreed to conduct a survey of as many Glendale residents as possible to ascertain the level of support for the proposal presented at the meeting. An independent consultant has been engaged to carry out this survey.

The consultant will attempt to contact, by telephone, every household listed in the 2013 Glendale telephone directory. Residents not listed in the telephone directory are invited to write down their answer to the survey question, along with their name and address, and put this in the box provided in Glendale Post Office.

Only the independent consultant will hear, if by telephone, or see, if on paper, the individual responses. The consultant will present only the total number of responses in each category to the Glendale Trust Board for publication.

The question to be asked in the survey is as follows:

Which of the following statements best describes your view of this proposal (to purchase and develop Borrodale School)?

  1. I support this proposal
  2. I do not support this proposal
  3. I have no strong views for or against this proposal

Details of the proposal, in the form of a business plan, have been attached to all email addresses held by the Glendale Trust along with a copy of the ‘script’ to be used by the consultant on the telephone. Copies of the business plan and the ‘script’ will also available in the Glendale Post Office and the Glendale Community Hall.

[Click here to download the Final Business Plan]

The closing date for responses to the survey is Friday 7th March 2014

Kindest Regards,


[Posted : 01/03/2014]

Borrodale School Project

Dear All,

As promised I have attached an overview of the proposal and work completed for the Borrodale School project. This is in order that you have information relating to the presentation on 7th of Feb 7:30pm in the Glendale Hall. The public meeting will present this information in even more detail and be led by the consultant employed to carry out the work.

Borrodale School Project PDF

Look forward to seeing you all soon.

Kindest regards,


[Posted : 30/01/2014]

Local Development Officer's Update

Dear All,

Wishing you all the very best for 2014!

Please find attached an update regarding all the local development work which has been carried out over the 2013 Autumn/Winter period. A huge amount of progress has again been made, in fact it was so busy this didn't make the deadline of the Glendale News Letter!

LDO's Report - Jan 14th, 2014

I would like to draw your attention in particular to the public meeting scheduled for Friday 7th Feb 7:30pm in the Glendale Hall. This meeting will provide details/recommendations for the community ownership and management of Borrodale school. The consultants employed have been working hard carrying out an options appraisal and developing a business plan for the site which would see the building remain within community control. The aim has been to ensure the project delivers as many needs supplied by the community as possible. These needs and options were supplied by the community at or around the public meeting which mandated the Glendale Trust to move forward with the project.

If you require any further details on any of the projects or work mentioned please do not hesitate to get in touch. Very much look forward to seeing you all soon.

Kindest regards,


[Posted : 14/01/2014]

Public Meeting About Borrodale School

There will be a public meeting at Glendale Community Hall on Friday February 7th, 2014 at 7:30pm to discuss the details/recommendations for community ownership of Borrodale School.

[Posted : 14/01/2014]

Glendale Estate Shareholders' AGM

The Annual General Meeting of the Glendale Estate Shareholders will be held at the Community Hall on Friday December 6th at 7:30pm.

[Posted : 23/11/2013]

Christmas Gift Fair

There will be a Christmas Fair at the Community Hall. Teas, coffees and hot food. Jewellery, soaps, knitwear, rugs, wools, silks and much more...

[Posted : 07/11/2013]

Glendale Trust Minutes

Richard Powell has kindly forwarded the minutes of the Glendale Trust's July and September Directors' Meetings:

Glendale Trust Minutes - July 2013

Glendale Trust Minutes - September 2013

[Posted : 01/11/2013]

Local Employment

Dear All,

Please see attached information regarding an employment opportunity in Glendale.

The Glendale Trust has been granted permission to employ a local development officer on a short term contract. Please pass this on to anyone who think may be interested.

Job Spec

If you require any additional information please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Thanking you.


[Posted : 16/10/2013]

Meanish Pier Working Group

Dear All,

Thanks for those that have expressed a willingness to join the Meanish Pier Working group. I have booked the Glendale Hall for 7:30pm on Friday 25th Oct for the 1st informal meeting.

Even if you have not yet confirmed an interest you are more than welcome to come along.

Look forward to seeing you all then.

Kindest Regards, Elgar

[Posted : 16/10/2013]

Fish Farm Application on BBC Alba

There will be a piece about the proposed fish farm in Loch Pooltiel on An La tonight on BBC Alba at 8pm.

[Posted : 07/10/2013]

Meanish Pier Development

Dear All,

I am writing to draw your attention to the attached documents which have been produced by the independent consultant recently employed by the Glendale Trust.

I would like to thank all of those who took the time to feedback into the consultation and hope that you enjoy reading about the communities wishes for the area. The documents include all the open responses and report on the consultation as well as a detailed plan for delivering the project for the benefit and restoration of the Meanish Point area.

Attached are [click to download]

  1. Meanish Pier Development Draft Project Plan Draft V2.00
  2. Meanish Pier Development Consultation Survey - Full report.

Both documents are to be published and made be available from the Trust website, printed copies will also be made available in the Glendale Hall.

As recommended in the project plan we are seeking to establish a working group to deliver and manage the project. It is anticipated that the working group will include members from the Glendale Estate Management Committee, local land owners, commercial boat users, community councillors, a director form the Glendale Trust and members of the local community. It will also be supported by myself as local development officer.

We would very much welcome the participation of anyone who has an interest in this project as it moves forward into the next phase.

The 1st meeting of the group is planned for the 3rd week in October. Most likely to be Friday the 25th October.

If you have any queries please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Kindest regards,


[Posted : 06/10/2013]

Fish Farm - Final Day For Comments

Just a reminder that today is the final day for you to submit your views on the proposed fish farm to the Highland Council Planning Department.

[Posted : 03/10/2013]

Glendale Estate Public Notice

Dear All,

Please find attached information approved by the Committee of Management to clarify the current situation. This is being emailed to all share owners for whom we have email addresses. We will also be asking Andy Stables to publish this on his website, and placing a printed copy in the Post Office.

Best Wishes,

Anna Cleland, Chairperson.

[Posted : 05/09/2013]

Public Meeting - Kames Fish Farming Ltd,

Kames Fish Farming Ltd. are holding a public meeting at the Community Hall on September 17th, 2013 at 7:30pm to discuss their application to site a fish farm in the mouth of Loch Pooltiel.

Details are available on this flyer, which is being posted around the glen.

[Posted : 03/09/2013]

Glendale Trust Minutes

Richard Powell has kindly forwarded the minutes of the Glendale Trust's June Directors' Meeting:

Glendale Trust Minutes - June 2013

[Posted : 02/09/2013]

Controversial Fish Farm Application

Visual Impact of Proposed Fish Farm

Kames Fish Farming Ltd. have submitted an application to site a massive, industrial scale fish farm in the mouth of Loch Pooltiel. The farm will be clearly visible from Meanish and spoil the panoramic views over Loch Pooltiel to the Western Isles.

  • It will be 385m long (1263 feet).
  • 14 large cages, each with a 90m circumference.
  • Large, permanent feeding barge.
  • Constant low noise from automated feeders.
  • Permanent navigation lighting and possible underwater lighting.
  • Underwater sonic seal scarers that will prevent whales, dolphins and basking sharks from entering the loch.

Full details of the application can be viewed here, where comments/objections can also be submitted online.

A web-site has also been set up at to provide information and discussion.

[Posted : 19/08/2013]

Housing Needs Survey

Dear All,

I am writing to draw your attention to a housing needs survey which will be arriving by post over the coming days. The covering letter and questionnaire is attached for your information.

Please could you take the time to fill in the questionnaire and return it either to the post office, the given address or to the staff of Our Island Home who will be holding a housing needs information surgery in the Glendale Hall Thursday 15th August from 6-9pm and Friday 16th August 10am - 12.

If you have any queries or wish to know more about affordable housing in Glendale please come along to the surgery.

If you do not receive a copy of the questionnaire one can be downloaded here. Hard copies will also be available from the post office.

Kindest regards,


Housing Needs Survey (PDF)
Housing Needs Survey (MS Word)
Covering Letter

[Posted : 31/07/2013]

Glendale Trust Minutes

Richard Powell has kindly forwarded the minutes of the Glendale Trust's April and May Directors' Meetings:

Glendale Trust Minutes - April 2013
Glendale Trust Minutes - May 2013

[Posted : 04/07/2013]

Moth Trapping

Andy Harding will be in Holmisdale until around July 16th and is planning to trap moths each night when the weather is dry. If anyone is interested, they are welcome to turn up at 2 Holmisdale (first on left after post office) between 6am and 7am for a cuppa and to see the inspecting of the traps.

[Posted : 04/07/2013]

Glendale Homecoming Programme

Dear All,

Please click here to see the poster detailing events at this years Glendale Homecoming weekend.

As you will see there is a combined effort from The Free Church, Glendale Community Council, Glendale Trust, Glendale Hall and local businesses. We hope you will spread by word by passing this on to all your contacts, and continue to support this great weekend for all.

Look forward to seeing you over the 19th and 20th of July.

Kindest Regards,


[Posted : 01/07/2013]

Pier Consultation & BBQ

Dear All,

A final reminder about the public consultation meeting in the Glendale Hall Monday 24th June 7:30pm the results of the recent survey will be presented by Amanda Bryan and feedback will be sought to complete her work regarding the communities wishes for any future development of the Meanish Pier area.

Please also make your way to the Meanish Pier area tonight for a community BBQ and Bonfire this will begin at 8pm BYOB

Look forward to seeing you there.

Kindest Regards,


[Posted : 21/06/2013]

Pier Consultation

Dear All,

I am writing to remind you to complete your survey (which you should have received through the post) regarding the community ownership at Meanish Point. The results of the consultation will be discussed at the public meeting held on the 24th June in the Glendale hall at 7:30pm. Your input is very important in the process of moving forward. If your household has not received a copy, you can pick one up in the post office or complete it online by following the link on the attached covering letter or click here.

Please remember the survey closes at 12pm on Friday 14th June.

I would also like to take this opportunity to invite you all to the midsummer BBQ at the Pier on Friday 21st June at 8pm. This will be the 1st time the community of Glendale can gather on land which is owned by the entire community so come along an celebrate!

Look forward to seeing you all soon. If there are any problems or you require help in anyway with the survey please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Kindest regards,


[Posted : 10/06/2013]

Meanish Pier Development

The Trust have taken ownership of the pier and hope to make significant changes. See this article in the Scotsman:

[Posted : 07/06/2013]

School / Church Meeting Update

As you may or may not be aware there was a meeting today discussing the school and church.

In short the meeting was very positive and well attended. It was agreed that the community to work to secure the buildings for the benefit of the area and community. The process and options are attached... There is an ongoing opportunity to add more options for appraisal via the post office and also email all will be treated equally (no matter how many suggestions for the same thing) within reason!

Please see attached this document about community asset management.


Also there were various reports in the press today which can be found here no doubt the whfp will have something tomorrow!



[Posted : 06/06/2013]

Services for Over 65s in Glendale

The Health and Social Care Service Project is looking at services for people aged 65+ and are currently seeking your views on service provision for older people. For more details see the press release below:

SLCVO Press Release - May 2013

Michelle Seviour

[Posted : 30/05/2013]

Meanish Pier Developments

Dear All,

To ensure as many people are informed regarding the ongoing independent consultation relating to the Meanish Pier Area I am copying the below covering letter to you.

This letter along with a survey will be arriving via post to all those households on the voters roll (which can be contacted via post) in Glendale before Monday.

Anyone who does not receive a copy can obviously complete it online (as detailed) or pick up a hard copy from the post office.

Of Significant Note : The survey opens on Saturday 1st June 2013 and will close at midnight on Friday 14th June 2013. The public meeting to discuss the results will be held at Glendale Community Hall on Monday 24th June 2013 at 7.30pm.

We would very much welcome your involvement in this community project.

Kindest Regards,


Dear Glendale Community Member

Survey of Community Views on Meanish Pier Developments

As you may be aware Glendale Trust have recently secured ownership of Meanish Pier for the community from Highland Council for a nominal sum. The Trust have had some marine survey work undertaken to identify what work is required to make the slip and pier safe and what the options are to extend its use. They are also considering what work if any should be undertaken to the area the community now owns surrounding the pier and slip.

Before proceeding with the development of any plans the Trust wish to consider the views of the Glendale community. These views will shape both the extent of work to be undertaken on the pier and slip itself (in addition to making it safe) and also to the surrounding area.

The consultation process will involve a number of different elements including discussions with potential user groups, a household survey (attached) and a public meeting to discuss the results of the other elements of the consultation. In order that this consultation is done in a fair and impartial way it has been contracted to myself as a neutral party.

As part of this process you are now invited to participate in the consultation exercise by completing the questionnaire attached. You can do this in two ways – either by completing the paper copy attached and returning it to me at North View, Aigas, Beauly, Inverness-shire, IV4 7AD (or dropping it into the Post Office in Glendale), or alternatively it can be completed online at The questionnaire is completely confidential and the report will not attribute any points made to any individual. The questionnaire should take approximately 10 minutes to complete and your feedback is extremely important to us.

The survey opens on Saturday 1st June 2013 and will close at midnight on Friday 14th June 2013. The public meeting to discuss the results will be held at Glendale Community Hall on Monday 24th June 2013 at 7.30pm.

Should you have any questions or problems please do not hesitate to contact me on 01463 782597 or at

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely

Amanda Bryan

Rural Development Consultant

[Posted : 30/05/2013]

Borrodale School & Free Church

Dear All,

If you have any ideas for the sustainable development of the buildings or would like to be involved please post them in the box provided in the post office (Glendale) or email them to myself or Richard Powell (cc'd) and they will also be presented at the meeting.

Kindest regards,

Elgar Finlay

[Posted : 16/05/2013]

Borrodale School Sale - Meeting

The Borrodale School and the Free Church in Glendale are due to be placed on the open market for sale by their current owners.

As an open community organisation representing the entire inhabitants of Glendale, the Glendale Trust has been mandated by its members to determine whether the community of Glendale wish to acquire and manage these buildings to sustainably support the community and area of Glendale.

There is a public meeting in the Glendale Hall - Wednesday the 5th of June at 7:30pm in order to determine the following.

  1. Should the community of Glendale work to acquire these assets for the benefit of the wider community Y/N?
  2. Determine the possible uses for each building.

Based on the community needs survey carried out in 2011 the Glendale Trust has identified various potential uses for the buildings. These will be presented at the meeting on June the 5th along with the process that is required to be followed in order to acquire and develop the buildings.

If you have any ideas for the sustainable development of the buildings or would like to be involved please come along to the meeting.

If you have any suggestions for the use of either building please post them in the box provided in the post office or email them to:

Elgar Finlay

[Posted : 15/05/2013]

Sixties Night

Sixties Night Poster

Dear All,

Please find attached a poster for the upcoming 60's night: Friday 31st May in the Glendale Hall 8pm -11:30pm.

Live 60's music will be played by an excellent band with local connections.

All money raised will be used to benefit the community of Glendale so even if you can't make it on the night maybe help by buying a ticket?

Please email or call myself Elgar 01470511769 or contact Richard : (cc'd)

Payment can also be made on the night.

We hope you will come and enjoy the evening and please pass on to all.

Yours swingingly,


[Posted : 15/05/2013]

Controversial Planning Application

Now that the planning department has allowed building outwith the Milovaig Township settlement area, an application has been submitted to build a house on the site of the beautiful, old blackhouse at the seaward end of the Milovaig loop, beside MacDougal's spruces.

This house will be sited in a place of outstanding natural beauty, block views from the road across to Dunvegan Head and restrict access to the best vantage point for watching whales, otters and seabirds in Milovaig.

If this application succeeds then it is certain that this entire stretch of coastline will be developed, robbing us of these amazing vistas across the mouth of Loch Pooltiel.

For full details of the application see:

[Posted : 11/05/2013]

Mid-Summer Barbecue

The Glendale Trust are holding a bonfire and barbeque at the pier to mark midsummer on Saturday June 21st, 2013 at 8pm. If you play an instrument please bring it along and join in or just come along and be part of a great evening.

[Posted : 28/04/2013]

Glendale Homecoming

The Glendale Trust and The Community Council are pleased to announce details of this years Homecoming, which will be held on Friday July 19th and Saturday July 20th, 2013.

On the Friday there will be a fishing competition and a Church service.

On the Saturday there will be a walk in the morning. In the afternoon there will be a game of rounder's on the football pitch, to allow everyone young and not so young to join in. In the evening there will be a Céilidh with a live band.

[Posted : 28/04/2013]

Coffee Afternoon

The Glendale Trust are holding a coffee afternoon on Saturday May 18th, 2013 in Glendale Hall there will be tea coffee and home made cakes, everyone is welcome.

[Posted : 28/04/2013]

Sixties Night

The Glendale Trust are holding a 'sixties night' in the hall on Friday May 31st, 2013 with a live band and a bar. Feel free to dig out your 60's clothes if you want , tickets will be on sale soon.

[Posted : 28/04/2013]

Glendale Trust Minutes

Richard Powell has kindly forwarded the minutes of the Glendale Trust's March 2013 Directors' Meeting:

Glendale Trust Minutes - March 2013

[Posted : 23/04/2013]

Richard Powell has kindly forwarded the minutes of the Glendale Trust's February 2013 Directors' Meeting:

Glendale Trust Minutes - February 2013

[Posted : 22/04/2013]

Affordable Housing Presentation

Derek Logie

Chief Executive, Rural Housing Service

Thursday 25th April

The Glendale Hall 7:30pm

The Glendale Trust recently secured £10,000 from the Big Lottery Fund to help deliver affordable community owned "mini crofts" in Glendale.

The Trust is hosting this talk at the Glendale Hall for members of the community who wish to learn more about affordable housing in Glendale. There is an opportunity for land owners to learn how their land could be used as an asset in the provision of housing.

A presentation will be made by Derek Logie from the Rural Housing Service a charity which helps rural communities to take practical action to address local housing needs and build sustainable rural communities.

All welcome and light refreshments will be available.

Elgar Finlay

[Posted : 15/04/2013]

Table Tennis Evening

There will be a table tennis evening at the Community Hall on Monday April 22nd, 2013 between 7:30pm and 9:30pm. Everybody welcome.

For more details contact or call 511487.

Dave Owen
2A Lephin

[Posted : 08/04/2013]

Glendale Calendar

The Glendale Trust are hoping to produce a calendar to raise funds for local projects and are therefore looking for photographs. They can be of anything to do with Glendale or the surrounding area. It could be a landscape or of plants or animals or anything else to do with Glendale.

Please send your pictures as soon as possible to

Thank You

Richard Powell
The Glendale Trust

[Posted : 01/04/2013]

Self-Catering Cottage at the Pier

In spite of a significant number of local objections, planning permission has been granted for the highly controversial building of a self-catering cottage, with boathouse and private slipway, at Meanish Pier. This will seriously spoil one or our most photogenic beauty spots.

[Posted : 28/03/2013]

Glendale Trust AGM

The Glendale Trust's Annual General Meeting will be held at the Community Hall on Saturday March 23rd, 2013 at 2pm.

Look forward to seeing you there.

Elgar Finlay

[Posted : 04/03/2013]

Glendale Estate Shareholders AGM

The 2012 AGM of the Glendale Estate Shareholders will be held at the Community Hall on Friday March 15th, 2013 at 7:30pm.

[Posted : 28/02/2013]

Glendale Trust Minutes

Richard Powell has kindly forwarded the minutes of the Glendale Trust's January 2013 Directors' Meeting:

Glendale Trust Minutes - January 2013

[Posted : 26/02/2013]

Glendale Heating Oil Consortium

With the continuing increase in heating oil costs I wondered if there would be any interest locally in setting up an oil buying consortium. I would hope if enough of us got together we could order in bulk and get a good discount.

If there is any one interested please could you email me on, initially just with your name and roughly how many litres a year you buy, and I will try and get an idea of if the oil companies will do anything.

Richard Powell
3 Lephin

[Posted : 26/02/2013]

Dunvegan Spring Fayre

There will be a Spring Fayre in Dunvegan Community Hall on Saturday March 23rd, 2013 with 30+ stalls selling everything from home baking to childrens' clothing. For more details contact Rachel Leitch on (01470) 521228.

[Posted : 16/02/2013]

Yoga Taster Session

There will be a yoga taster session at Glendale Community Hall on February 15th, 2013 from 7pm till 9pm.

Participation without obligation.

If possible please bring along a yoga mat, blanket and a small cushion.

Marlies Schulz-Köster. Tel. 511433

[Posted : 12/02/2013]

Glendale Trust Minutes

The minutes of the Glendale Trust's December 2012 Directors' Meeting are now available:

Glendale Trust Minutes - December 2012

Richard Powell

[Posted : 08/02/2013]

Michael Smith on Great British Menu

Michael Smith, chef/director at the Three Chimneys, will be appearing on BBC2's Great British Menu from Monday Feb 4th to Friday Feb 8th at 7:30pm each night.

[Posted : 02/02/2013]

Snowdrops at Dunvegan Castle

The gardens at Dunvegan Castle will be open for a free preview of the snowdrops, a wonderful sign of spring, on Wednesday 30th January 2013 from 10am to 1pm.

It will also be a chance to see the gardeners hard at work, making sure all looks wonderful for visitors when the Castle and Gardens open for the season on Friday 29th March.

There will also be an opportunity to join an escorted tour/update on behind the scenes work at the Castle.

Meet at the Café at 10am where teas and coffees will be available. The Gardens will be open until 1pm

Wrap up warm, bring waterproofs and wear sensible footwear.

[Posted : 25/01/2013]

Increased Light Pollution

The council came on Friday and not only switched the street lights in the village back on but fitted them with garish orange bulbs too.

[Posted : 13/01/2013]

Over 60s Lunch Club - Thank You

The Glendale Over-60s Lunch Club would like to give their warmest thanks for the £50* that was kindly donated to them by the Glendale Community Council towards their Christmas festivities.

* n.b. The amount donated was erroneously printed as £100 in this month's Glendale Newsletter - Andy

[Posted : 10/01/2013]

Glendale Trust Minutes

The latest minutes of the Glendale Trust and the agenda for the next Directors' Meeting are now available:

Meeting of New Directors
Agenda for Dec 12th, 2012 Directors' Meeting

Richard Powell, the Trust Secretary, has kindly confirmed that the Trust do intend to continue supplying the minutes and agendas for publication here in future, as the Trust are determined to be as open and honest as possible about what they are doing.


[Posted : 09/01/2013]

Happy New Year

A very happy New Year to all the regular readers of this web-site!

This web-site, through various incarnations, has now been running for over 10 years and in that time visitor numbers have been increasing steadily. During 2012, over 21,700 people used the web-site to learn more about Glendale, an increase of 25% on last year.

47% of people return to visit the web-site again... and again. In fact, 16% of visits are from people who regularly look at the site at least once per week.

The top five countries of origin for users of the web-site are the UK (80%), US (4%), Germany (3%), The Netherlands (1.2%) and France (1%).

The wildlife "sightings" page continues to be the most popular and was viewed over 24,000 times in 2012. The "Resident's Lounge" section of the web-site was viewed over 4,800 times. On average, one page from the Glendale web-site is downloaded every 150 seconds.


[Posted : 01/01/2013]

Glendale Shop & Post Office - Christmas Opening Times


Mon 24th 11am-6pm
Tue 25th Closed
Wed 26th Closed
Thu 27th 1-5pm
Fri 28th 1-5pm
Sat 29th Closed
Sun 30th Closed
Mon 31st 11am-6pm


Tue 1st Closed
Wed 2nd Closed
Thu 3rd 1-5pm
Fri 4th 1-5pm
Sat 5th Closed
Sun 6th Closed
Mon 7th open as normal

Nancy and Stuart wish all the people of Glendale a Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year.

[Posted : 21/12/2012]

Christmas Gift Fair & Ceilidh

There will be a last minute Christmas gift fair and a licensed ceilidh serving mulled wine and mince pies at the Community Hall from 6pm till 11pm.

[Posted : 21/12/2012]

Christmas Gift Fair & Santa's Grotto

There will be a Christmas gift fair and a Santa's grotto with children's games, tombola and raffle. Refreshments will be available, tea, coffee, soup with roll and cakes. At Glendale Community Hall on Saturday December 22nd 12pm till 4pm.

[Posted : 21/12/2012]

Hogmanay Barbecue & Bonfire

The Glendale Community Council are organising this year's Hogmanay Event at Meanish Pier, with a barbecue, music from Craig & Ellie and a bonfire.

Everybody Welcome.

[Posted : 15/12/2012]

New Glendale Trust Board of Directors Appointed

A huge thanks to all those who made it out to the Hall last night in freezing temperatures. There were 40 attendees at least, which I think was incredible and unexpected!

It is great to say there has been a new board unanimously elected consisting of 5 new directors and 2 previous directors. Their aim to work in the best interests of Glendale in an open and transparent manner and more details will come out when they publish their minutes etc.

The Trust is now in a very strong position to move forward with a wide range of skill base ages and levels of indigenousness!

Well done!!


[FYI the elected directors were: Raymond Coughlin, Angela Finlay, Elly Knight, Maggie McPhee, Richard Powell, Gordon Thompson and Joy Tolbot - Andy]

[Posted : 13/12/2012]

Agenda for the Glendale Trust EGM

  1. Election of Directors
  2. Winding up procedures (if none are elected)
  3. AOCB

The meeting will be chaired by Chrisanne Mac Donald Co-Ordinator for the SLCVO who are very valued support service for community organisations.

Look forward to seeing you all tomorrow Wednesday 12th at the Glendale Hall 7:30pm.

Elgar Finlay

[Posted : 11/12/2012]

Glendale Lottery Grant

Article from the
Press & Journal
this weekend

The Glendale Trust has been awarded £10,000 pounds from the Big Lottery's Investing in Ideas Programme for a feasibility study into micro-crofts.

For anyone that missed the article posted here on Dec 4th, you can download a copy of the Community Development Plan here:

Glendale Community Development Plan

Elgar Finlay

[Posted : 10/12/2012]

Glendale Estate AGM Postponed

The Glendale Management Committee has postponed the AGM until some time in February. We are sending out the Chairperson's Report, 2011 Minutes etc in the next few days. Notice of the rescheduled AGM will be sent nearer the time.

Anna Cleland

[Posted : 10/12/2012]

Christmas Carol Service

There will be a carol service at the Free Church on Christmas Eve from 6:30pm to 7:15pm.

Precentor John Angus Gillies. Home-baked mince pies and refreshments.

Everybody Welcome.

[Posted : 10/12/2012]

Skye Quilt Studio Nominated For Award

Jennifer Lewis of the Skye Quilt Studio in Milovaig has been selected as one of the twenty regional finalists in this year's Countryside Alliance Awards.

[Posted : 08/12/2012]

Glendale Community Open Day

Hi All,

Just a reminder that the Glendale Community Open day is happening this Saturday (8th December) in the Glendale Hall from 9am - 7pm. The hours have been extended by request as a few people will be attending stalls etc at Christmas markets.

Please feel free to pop into the hall to see details of the projects ongoing in Glendale and discuss the community development plan.

There will be free refreshments and your feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Please spread the word as it is important that as many of the community can be informed and everyone has the opportunity to feedback.

Please also remember the Glendale Trust EGM is on Wednesday 12th December where the members have the opportunity to elect a new board.

See you all soon,


[Posted : 04/12/2012]

Natalie Takes Glendale Issues To Parliament

Dear All

I will be seeing Dave Thompson in the parliament building, Edinburgh on Tuesday at 5:30pm.

I will be asking him the following:

  1. What is the plan over the next 3-5 year period for emergency services in Glendale? Are there any significant changes, interventions or initiatives that we should be aware of? Specifically will the current provision of paramedics and ambulance remain in Dunvegan and is there scope to increase the ambulance response time to Glendale.
  2. Is the current administration aware that VAT can cripple businesses, particularly Cafes and Self Catering establishments, effectively capping employment opportunities in economically fragile areas such as Glendale. Would Dave Thompson consider putting forward to the government a proposal for VAT reform tailored to the special needs of economically fragile areas that are dependent on these types of businesses for local employment?
  3. Can Dave Thompson help us ensure that we are able to keep our LDO resource now that the trust has temporarily disbanded.

If anyone else has any other questions, anything at all related to the Glendale area, please forward to them to me by Monday afternoon so that I can give them some thought and do your question justice in front of the minister on Tuesday.

Will report in the newsletter due out, I understand, in the middle of the month.


p.s. please forward. Natalie Bayfield Colbost 01470 511779

[Posted : 01/12/2012]

Glendale Web-Site Re-Skin

Your favourite Glendale web-site has been given a (long overdue) revamp over the last week and I hope you like it.

The popularity of the site has been growing steadily over the last few years and it now receives over 4000 visits* every month, the 'sightings' and 'resident's lounge'  being amongst the most visited pages.


*certified by Google Analytics

[Posted : 27/11/2012]

Glendale Trust EGM

Dear Members of the Glendale Trust,

As you may or may not be aware the current board of the Glendale Trust has resigned.

As such a significant number of members have provided notice to request an extraordinary general meeting in which a new board can be elected. A copy of the letter is attached and the hard copy with signatures can be found in the Glendale post office

As a member I am writing to inform you that the EGM is scheduled to take place on Wednesday 12th December 2012 at 7:30pm in the Glendale Hall. It is anticipated that the meeting will be chaired by a independent person possibly from Highlands and Islands Enterprise who can be nominated at the meeting. Further details will be posted in the Glendale Post Office to ensure all members of the community and Trust are aware.

As mentioned in the attached letter members believe that the area of Glendale can benefit from the existence of such community based organisation and are particularly keen to see the completion of current ongoing projects along with the provision of the local development officer post. It is hoped that you will show your support of the Trust and its potential by attending the meeting.

A detailed account of the ongoing projects will be forwarded in an email containing the initial draft of the community growth plan for Glendale. This document along with an open day scheduled for the 8th December (in the Glendale hall) gives comprehensive details of the work that could be lost due to the lack of a body such as the Trust.

Look forward to seeing you on the 12th of December.

Kindest regards,

Elgar Finlay

[Posted : 20/11/2012]

Grand Designs

Glendale's award-winning architect Alan Dickson appeared on TV in last night's episode of Grand Designs on C4. You can catch it on 4oD here:

[Posted: 01/11/2012]

Walking in the Footsteps of Heroes

An illustrated talk by historian Murdo Beaton with photographer Bill MacGonagle will take place on Saturday November 3rd, at 2:30pm at Glendale Community Hall. Admission is free.

An account of visits to War Cemeteries of Belgium and France with reference to Skye and particularly the men of Glendale.

[Posted: 28/10/2012]

Remembrance Service

There will be a Remembrance Service at Glendale War Memorial on Sunday November 11th at 10:45am. Walk up from the [community hall] car park at 10:30am. Service conducted by Tommy MacKinnon.

[Posted: 28/10/2012]

Glendale Trust Chairman's Resignation Statement

Ian Blackford has resigned as chairman of the Glendale Trust and issued a resignation statement to the members:

Resignation Letter

Andrea Cross
[Posted: 14/10/2012]

Glendale Trust Minutes

Directors' Meeting Minutes - September 3rd, 2012
* The LDO, on behalf of the new Trust board of directors, requested that these minutes were removed from the web-site on 26/12/2012. - Andy

Ann Bowes
[Posted: 11/10/2012]

"47 Ronin" Filming At Neist & Glendale

Notice of filming at Neist.
October 2012.
(Click photo to enlarge)

On Monday October 1st, Universal Studios will be in Glendale filming their blockbuster movie "47 Ronin", which stars Keanu Reeves, on the headland at Neist. In the film, Skye will be portrayed as 19th Century Japan.

They plan to use a helicopter that will take off and land from the Community Hall and a number of horse-boxes and equipment lorries.

[Posted: 29/09/2012]

Cottage Caretaker Wanted

Caretaker required for holiday cottage in Glendale. Tel: 07835848673 or email

Wendy Twort
[Posted 10/09/2012]

Glendale Trust in WHFP

The West Highland Free Press has an article this week titled 'Glendale grafitti probed as trust leaders are criticised' linking the recent vandalism at the church to a survey of 140 Glendale households commissioned by HIE in May 2011 which the WHFP suggests was suppressed by the Glendale Trust because the third most popular answer to one of the questions was 'concern over the leadership of the Glendale Trust'.

[Posted: 07/09/2012]

Watson Laing

Watson Laing died suddenly yesterday at his home in Fasach. He was a prominent and outspoken figure in community politics for many years but his heart was always in the right place. He will be sadly missed.

[Posted: 04/09/2012]

Glendale Trust Minutes

Directors' Meeting Minutes - July 11th, 2012
Directors' Meeting Agenda - Oct 10th, 2012

Ian Blackford
[Posted: 04/09/2012]

Glendale Church Vandalised

Our local church in Glendale was vandalised last night with a slogan daubed across the length of the building in large black letters: 'No religous opression [sic.] F*** off Blackford'. We hope that the culprit is caught and punished. It is appalling to damage our church with offensive swear words and an awful thing for departing visitors to see as they leave our safe and friendly village on 'changeover' day.

The local police were called and arrived late morning to photograph the crime scene and take statements.

The vandalism is alleged to have been carried out by the village football team in response to an attempt to stop them playing matches on Sundays.

The story was even reported in the Daily Record :

[Posted: 01/09/2012]

Glendale Homecoming 2012

Here is the revised programme for this year's Glendale Homecoming Event which is being held over the long-weekend of July 19th-22nd, 2012:

Programme of Events

Ian Blackford
[Posted: 11/07/2012]

Glendale Trust Minutes

Directors' Meeting Minutes - June 13th, 2012
Directors' Meeting Agenda - Sept 5th, 2012

Ian Blackford
[Posted: 11/07/2012]

Glendale Trust Minutes

Directors' Meeting Minutes - May 9th, 2012
Directors' Meeting Agenda - July 11th, 2012

Ian Blackford
[Posted: 16/06/2012]

Britain's Lost Routes

There was a programme last night on BBC1 Scotland about Britain's ancient droving routes, which featured Griff Rhys Jones taking four cows from Ramasaig in Glendale to Falkirk.

You can see it on BBC iPlayer here.

Elgar Finlay
[Posted: 15/06/2012]

Glendale on the BBC News

The Glendale Trust's lottery grant to assist in the purchase of the pier has been the BBC news:

Glendale Trust Minutes

Directors' Meeting Minutes - April 11th, 2012
Directors' Meeting Agenda - June 13th, 2012

Ian Blackford
[Posted: 12/05/2012]

Red Roof Café 2012 Programme

Dear All!

Following the success of our previous supper parties and gigs, we are delighted to announce our programme for the first half of this season.

Having sold out last week's gig in a few days we are delighted that Peter Morrison (Peatbog Faeries) and Seumas MacLennan are performing a second time so if you missed out on their first gig book soon! We also have loads of supper parties and fantastic gigs lined up with some phenomenal international musicians who usually perform to sold out concert halls so we are thrilled to have them in such an intimate venue here on Skye. Our events usually book out very fast so please get your bookings in early to avoid disappointment! Places are limited and booking is essential.

Please see our website for details of events. (Our Supper Party menus will be up there very soon too). Tickets are available from the Red Roof or by calling 01470 511766.

We hope to see you there!

Elly and Craig

(Ps. If you would like a poster please let us know!)

Red Roof - Summer Programme 2012

[Posted: 18/04/2012]

Glendale Trust Job Advert

The Glendale Trust have a job vacancy for someone to work in the Heritage Centre Café over the summer:

Job Advert

Ian Blackford
[Posted: 12/04/2012]

Glendale Trust Minutes

Directors' Meeting Minutes - March 14th, 2012
Directors' Meeting Agenda - May 9th, 2012

Ian Blackford
[Posted: 12/04/2012]

Free Wi-Fi Access at the Community Hall

The Glendale Hall has now free public access wifi. The LDO recently won a BT Community Connections award giving a years free access to the internet details are in the Glendale News. The community will be benefiting from taster sessions and classes focused on the use of the internet. Taster sessions will begin towards the end of April and further details will be available soon.

Download the Flyer

Elgar Finlay
Posted : 03/04/2012

Midsummer Barbecue 2012

The annual mid-summer barbecue and music event at Meanish Pier will be held on June 22nd, 2012, with food from 8pm, music from 9pm and the bonfire at 10pm.

Download the Poster

Ian Blackford
Posted : 03/04/2012

Hoverspeed To Lochmaddy

Now that the pier is about to come into community ownership, it is understood that talks are being held with a local company about establishing a passenger hovercraft service between Meanish Pier and Lochmaddy in North Uist.

The service will carry up to 12 passengers and there will be three crossings a day. It is proposed to lease the Salt Store for use as a ticket office and waiting room. Up to three local jobs will be created for cleaning the hovercraft, manning the ticket office and cabin crew.

The service will make use of the existing slipway at the pier, which it is understood will not require any modifications. This will be the first commercial hovercraft service in Scotland since an abandoned trial across the Forth in 2007.

Eaprighll Phuirst
[Posted: 01/04/2012]

Red Roof Open for the Season

Dear all,

Just to let you know that we are now OPEN again for the season. We will be open 11am – 5pm daily until the end of October. We have a whole new range of lunches as part of our changing menu, including dressed crab platters and single malt whiskey cheese for you to try as well as our usual fabulous home baking and fresh coffees and teas.

We would also like to introduce our new ‘Raise the Roof’ Friday night events, a mixture of supper parties with live music and dedicated gigs from top Scottish and International musicians, starting on April 6th.

6th April 2012 World renowned Peatbog Faeries piper Peter Morrison (Scottish smallpipes and whistles) and Seumas MacLennan (mandola) take us on a journey through the tunes of Skye and the Islands and tell us the stories behind them! Should be a great gig and a fabulous opportunity to hear some top quality local music in an intimate venue. Places are limited and booking is essential. Doors open 8pm. Tickets are £10 and are available from the Red Roof or by calling 01470 511766. (We hope to have an evening drinks licence in place by then too... will keep ticket holders informed -if not it will be BYOB!).

Further events will be advertised shortly including upcoming supper parties.

We hope to see you at the Red Roof soon!

Elly and Craig
[Posted : 29/03/2012]

Film Crew

Glendale played host to a film crew over the last few days, shooting scenes for a new McDonald's commercial. They were operating out of the community hall car park, with a mobile catering van and numerous wagons, vans, cars and a bus. They were blessed with absolutely stunning weather on the day that they were filming at Neist Point (Thursday) and it was almost as good on the Friday afternoon when they were filming at Hamara Lodge. Other scenes were shot at Sligachan on the Friday morning, where props included a vintage tricycle and bicycle.

[Posted: 23/03/2012]

Glendale Homecoming 2012

Here is the draft programme for this year's Glendale Homecoming Event which is being held over the long-weekend of July 19th-22nd, 2012:

Programme of Events

Ian Blackford
[Posted: 15/03/2012]

Glendale Trust Minutes

Directors' Meeting Minutes - February 16th, 2012
Directors' Meeting Minutes - February 18th, 2012
Directors' Meeting Agenda - April 11th, 2012

Ian Blackford
[Posted: 15/03/2012]

Meanish Pier

The Glendale Trust are pleased to announce that it is in receipt of lottery funding which will allow for the Trust to complete the acquisition of the council owned facilities at Meanish Pier on behalf of the community as well as conducting a feasibility on the options for management of the facility.

This is an exciting opportunity for the community to secure ownership of the facilities at Meanish for the benefit of locals and visitors.

Once completion of the formalities has taken place the trust intends to consult with the local community, in particular through an open public meeting to consider how this resource should best be maintained and managed for the benefit of Glendale. At the same time the trust intends to work closely with the Moorings Association to protect the interests of the association and its members in using the facilities at Meanish.

Ian Blackford
[Posted: 13/03/2012]

Stem Cell Revolutions

Tuesday 28th, Aros Centre, 6-8pm


Discover the history and 'real science' of stem cell research in a documentary made in close collaboration between filmmakers and scientists.

A stem cell scientist will be on hand to answer your questions after the film.

Some say it may lead to new treatments for diseases that have proved so hard to tackle, from cancer and MS to Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. Others argue that it leads to difficult ethical issues. Either way, stem cell technology is in the news, and this 70-minute documentary explains why, with beautiful animations and interviews with some of the world's leading pioneers in the field.

Make a difference to future science films! After screening you can fill a feedback form - we want to find out what you want from science documentaries. Your opinion counts.

Katia Hervy
Posted: 20/02/2012

Glendale Trust AGM

Dear all,

We look forward to seeing all those who can make it at the Glendale Trust AGM tomorrow [Feb 18th, 2012].

The agenda is as follows:

1. Welcome and Apologies

2. Adoption of minutes 19th February 2011

3. Chairman’s report

4. Secretary’s report

5. Treasurer’s report

6. Project officer’s report

7. Election of Directors

8. Any other competent business

Date of next AGM: 16th February 2013

Best regards


Ian Blackford
[Posted: 17/02/2012]

Glendale Trust Minutes

Directors' Meeting Minutes - January 26th, 2012
Directors' Meeting Agenda - March 15th, 2012

Ian Blackford
[Posted: 17/02/2012]

Burns Supper

The Glendale Burns Supper takes place this Saturday 28th January at the Glendale hall commencing at 6:30pm. Over the years we have been blessed through being entertained by many wonderful, entertaining speakers and singers, leading to the Glendale Supper being much talked about and looked forward to throughout Skye, not just Glendale.

This year's line up is arguably the best we have had with many accomplished performers taking part in this year’s event. What also makes the event unique to Glendale is that as well as honouring Robert Burns, we will play tribute to our own local bard, Neil Macleod giving a particular local slant to the evening.

Allan Campbell who hails from Colbost and is well known as a broadcaster and journalist will chair proceedings. Prof Norman Macdonald, ex of the BBC will introduce the works of Neil MacLeod and we are delighted to be joined by the Gaelic singer, Arthur Cormack who will sing the songs of MacLeod.

The traditional burns supper speeches and recitals will be given by John Bennett, Ian Blackford, Brian Smith, Norman Beaton, Mairi Sine Chaimbeul and Angus Thorburn.

As well as delivering the reply on behalf of the lassies, Mairi Sine, who is an ex Mod Gold medallist will also sing accompanied by her sister Catherine together with her husband Norman Will on fiddle.

This is sure to be an excellent evening. Just over 20 tickets remain on sale so booking is advisable to participate in the evening. Tickets can be obtained from the Glendale post office or from Ian Blackford on 01470 511218.

Ian Blackford
[Posted: 23/01/2012]


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